Friday, June 10, 2011

10 more days to go!

only 10 more days until we have Elleanor in our arms!!!
can't wait.
I am so so excited to meet her!

this past week was a rough one.
contractions coming on strong, especially at work.
my boss let me take off my last day this week and make my shifts for next week available shifts,
so I will only have to go in if needed!
had contractions all day thru work on Wed then they continued 2 to 3 hours after I got home.
almost called the doc but they stopped and I went to sleep.
they are really starting to hurt too.
actually, everything is starting to hurt.
my body is very sore and this gal's movements are starting to make me hold my breath.
think she's just running out of room in there!!!

37 week and 4 day baby belly!

today is my 37 week appt with my doc,
also going to do my pre-op today!
everything is so close now!
we are now 37w4d!!!
csection remains scheduled for the 20th at 7am!
we have to be at the hospital at 5am, which is a little too early for me but I doubt much sleep will come the night before anyway!
I had been stressing over this scheduled csection thing, the anticipation over coming in for surgery was getting to me,
but now I am pretty calm about it,
just ready for the time to be here,
and praying everything goes smoothly!
as for my appt., it was the same 5 minute appts that I have had.
BP great, weight great (put me in a much better mood bc I was 4 lbs lighter than last week),
and Elleanor's heartbeat great!
I then headed over to the hospital for my pre-op, got that checked off my list,
and got my instructions for the night before/morning of my csection.

we have gotten quite a bit done at the house to be ready for miss Elleanor,
not as much as I had hoped, but I haven't been up for too much activity lately,
entertaining and taking care of Caraline takes all I've got!
her room is almost finished except for a few things to go on the wall and a rug for in front of the crib.
poor Caraline's room is sad, it will definitely need some focus after the baby gets here and I am feeling more like myself again!

Elleanor's bed, all ready for her!

speaking of Caraline,
I am so excited about our new baby and already love her with all of my heart,
but I am having those feelings of, uhmm, I guess a little bit of guilt.
for the past almost 2 years Caraline has been my whole world (I have to admit that I am actually pretty stinngy (sp?) with her) and I get kind of sad thinking about it not just being her anymore and my attention being taken away from her, especially here in the beginning.
but I know that Tim is really excited about getting to spend more time with her this summer and to give her special daddy time/attention.

rock'n her 2 piece!

they have season passes to the zoo (he plans on taking her several mornings so that E and I can have some alone time together) and he is going to take her to diaper dolphin lessons at the swim school!
and I fully intend on and hope that I can keep up with it, to have special mommy/Caraline activites/time each day, that is after we get rested and into the swing of things with a toddler and a newborn and learning how to manage their individual needs at these different stages!

just because she's so cute!

well anyway, think its time to wrap this up, 10 days, I can't believe how close we are to becoming a family of 4!!!! 

1 comment:

  1. Eep! 10 days!! I hope they go great and that you recover from the section well. I can wait to see pics of that sweet baby girl!
