Sunday, April 29, 2012

first driller's game!

Tim and I decided that we would have a special date night with our little Caraline.
A special night just for her.
Memaw stayed home with little Ellie girl and put her to bed for us.
And Caraline got to go to her first ever Driller's baseball game!
It will definitely not be our last either, she had a BLAST!
I'm sure all the sweets mommy and daddy let her have had something to do with her loving it too!
There were also fireworks following the game so it was a late late night for our little girl (us too).
But she was absolutely perfect.
She was a little scared of the fireworks at first but as they went on she got use to it and loved the pretty colors.
It was such a great little outing for us.  Can't wait to go back!
love the new ballpark!

first came the cotton candy!

she loved!

then came the ice cream, which she also loved of course.
after all this sugar she was wired for the night!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

embrace the camera iphone style

the weather has been absolutely beautiful this past weekend and so far this week.
so on tuesday the girls and i headed out for a walk to our neighborhood pond.
it really is pretty and so peaceful.

the girls got out of the stroller and we just sat and watched the water.

and well caraline got out her binoculars (pretend of course, that's what she's invisibly holding around her eyes) so that she could see the crocodiles:)
love her imagination these days!

as for little ellie girl, she's not really that crazy about sitting on the grass so she stayed on mommy's lap for the biggest part of the time we were there.
love these beautiful days with my beautiful little girls.


Tuesday, April 24, 2012

No Walking Allowed!

This past Sunday night I did my 2nd 5K!
It was the 'Run Tulsa Pink' race.
It was a night run, which I loved, me and running in the morning just doesn't mix well.
Of course I went with my best friend Jenn, who again left me in her dust.
She is awesome, Jenn is going to do her second half marathon next weekend....I only wish!

At the Run Tulsa Pink (benefiting cancer) I accomplished my 2nd running goal!
NO WALKING!!!!!!!!!!!
It was so hard, this course was much different than the pretty much straight shot of the St. Patty's Day Run.
There were many more inclines from the get go.
I'm using this excuse as to why even though I didn't walk at all my time was only a few seconds (like less than 5) better than the first:/

My official time was 34:29.
In my female age group I placed 49th out of 107.
Overall female I placed 239th out of 583!

I am so thankful for Jenn getting me out there! It feels so good to be able to accomplish more each time I go!  So far my farthest run I've done is 5 miles.  Not quite Tulsa Run material yet but hopefully I'll get there by October.

Next run up:  The Full Moon Run!!!!

Friday, April 20, 2012

10 months!

our littlest munchkin will be 10 months old this friday.
it's crazy to think in that just 2 short months we will be celebrating her turning into a big 1 year old.
she is changing and doing something new just about every day now.

ellie tidbits:
she still has 6 teeth but is teething at this time, 2 more about to come through.
crawling, crawling, and more crawling.  it is still mostly army crawling, sometimes she's up on all fours but the army crawling gets her there faster.
in size 12 months clothes and size 3 diapers.
still loves all foods.  she will eat anything.  we are now doing a lot of finger foods.  she loves to feed herself smashed blueberries, toast and pancakes bits, cheese bites, green beans and pieces of banana. 
mommy is still her favorite person ever! she lights up when i come in from work and comes crawling to me as fast as she can (that's if she hasn't gone to be all ready).
but she is also a very outgoing baby and loves to be around people. 
she is very attentive to what others are doing, she could people watch all day and be happy.
just this week the pulling up has come on full force.  not a fan of this because she loves to come into the kitchen and do it on the tile floor and then of course it ends in her falling over and screaming.
we have let go of the swaddle (yes, 10 months and we still did it), it wasn't a full force swaddle, we kept her arms out but when it was put on she knew it was bedtime.  but even without it she is still sleeping great and it's nice to have 1 less thing to pack when we send her to the babysitters or go somewhere ourselves.

eating/the milk stuff:
we started trying out yogurt at 8 months.  prayed and prayed that she wouldn't have a reaction to it. 
she did fine at first and then it seemed like she would spit-up (or in this case throw up, it smelled terrible) the more we gave it to her.  so after a couple of weeks we just kind of backed off of it.  we waited 2-3 more weeks and then tried again.  success! no throwing up (in fact the little bit of spitting up that she was doing has stopped all together!).  she is tolerating yogurt just fine and she eats little bits of cheese bites without any problems! (thinking tonight she may just get herself a cheese quesadilla for her 10 month birthday dinner).  we are just about out of the neutramigen that we have on hand, i have a case of gentlease in the cabinet, really thinking about just giving it a go?!?!

now it goes something like this for our big 10 month old.
7am bottle
730 breakfast
830 nap
1000 play
1100 lunch
1230 bottle
230 play/snack
500 dinner
600 bath
630/7 bottle
730 bedtime

we went to see dr. daley this past tuesday for her well check.
ellie girl weighed 18lbs9.5oz(40th%), height 28 1/4in(60th%).
he said things looked great.  she only got 1 shot this time.
we don't go back til her big 1 year appointment!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

3 day weekend.

and it was over a holiday weekend at that!
actually i had a 5 day break but 5 day weekend sounds kind of weird, maybe i should just say a little vacation. one of the plus's of working 12 hour shifts.
anyway, it was a busy, family fun filled weekend that i thoroughly enjoyed.
it all started on friday evening. the girls' cousins mel, zac, and ethan came over for the evening. along with memaw and aunt sam.
we first had a little boy against girl soccer fun while the hubs grilled hotdogs and hamburgers for everyone. it was so much fun to watch caraline run around and try to keep up with the bigger kiddos.

after dinner, the kids then had a little easter egg coloring time. i think mel and caraline liked this part the most.

lastly we ended the night with a little art time. the cousins had fun using markers to color some pretty pics!

on to saturday. we started the day very early to finish up some easter basket errands and yard supplies (still working on sprucing up our flowerbeds). we got back home at about lunch/nap time and then my family came over for our easter celebration. ethan was back over with my mom and sis sam. then my sis danielle, her boyfriend and my 2 neices came over in the afternoon to play and have dinner. don't get to see these kids too often so i cherish the time that i get with them on our holiday events.

sunday morning the easter bunny had visited our house. it was fun to watch the girls. especially caraline, as she thought of course that both the easter baskets were for her. then we all got ready for church. the girls were absolutely adorable in their coordinating outfits. i wish that we had a better family of four photo so you all don't get to see one, maybe next holiday. but in the mean time here a few of the girls, and one of memaw too.

after an awesome church service we headed over to nana and papa's house for more easter baskets and lunch. nana and papa of course put together the most fantastic baskets for the kids. caraline's favorite basket gift was her minnie mouse jump rope. she has been playing with it non-stop since sunday. it's super cute to watch her 'jump rope' in her own style. the kids also helped nana and papa decorate the annual bunny cake. and after a super delicious lunch the kids had a blast hunting eggs.

it was such a great great great weekend. love us some family time.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

spring break 2012

we started off our 1st day of spring break with a zoo trip.
it was unplanned, we just decided that morning after breakfast, let's go!
and so glad we did because now we are having this yucky, rainy weather and are stuck inside.
the girls were perfect!
they loved all the animals and we even got to see the new sea lions!
i think both of their favorites were riding the merry-go-round!

then one evening after the gym and running to the store in the rain (just explaining why i love the way i do) i let caraline help me fix dinner.  she had a blast.  all she kept saying was "what next mommy"!!

i had many more photo collages planned for this post but our new 33 day computer just stopped working.
first electronic purchase that we decided not to buy the extended warranty on (because we never use it).
and what happens of course.
so the new computer is shipped off to somewhere and we are back to using old pokey until it gets back or we get the call to pick out a new one.
i can't stand it because i've had so many posts i've wanted to make but putting pics on this old thing is not an option.
glad i already had this one saved:)